If people have wells then why do they need a TivaWater filter? Good question. Many people think wells and in-home filters are an either/or option for families. If they have access to a well, they don’t need a filter, and if they have a filter, they don’t need wells. However, this isn’t true…. let us explain. Above: children and woman collect water for their families from a well. Wells are important because they give people access to water and it is typically safe to drink. Further, more wells mean that people have less distance to walk to collect their water (this saves time, money and increases safety of the people collecting water). But this doesn’t solve the whole problem. Even if people drink water from wells, they have a big risk of still getting sick. Why? In many developing nations, water is collected in jerrycans. Many times, the jerrycan is dirty and contains dangerous bacteria- so even if the water goes in clean to begin with- it ends up getting recontaminated. Another huge risk is that water is often stored in open containers in the home. This is a major risk factor for recontamination because people use cups and dip their cup/hand down into the open water. Hands are very dirty and when they dip a cup into the water, it’s contaminated all over again. In fact, it is estimated that happens 50% of the time. Above: girl carrying water home in her jerrycan. Below: storage pot for water Unfortunately, wells can also become contaminated over time. This isn’t only a risk for “open wells”, but closed ones as well. Researchers aren’t totally sure exactly why this happens, but their best guess is because people congregate around the wells, so do livestock and other animals, and eventually, somehow, bacteria makes its way down into the well.
To make sure water is safe to drink, water needs to be cleaned and safely stored in the home, at the point of use. (source: The World Health Organization). As you can see, it is important to have both access to water in addition to a method that cleans water in the home, which is kept in a safe (closed) storage container. And that is exactly what the TivaWater filter does- cleans the water at home and keeps it safe in the container!
Since 2013, TivaWater has partnered with Powell United Methodist Church from Powell, TN. Year after year we have been moved by their congregation’s passion and commitment to providing safe drinking water and the hope of Jesus to the people of Guatemala. Every summer, a team from Powell UMC travels to Chichicastenango and deliver filters to families without access to clean water. These TivaWater filters are tangibly sharing the love of God with the most vulnerable communities. Each December, the leadership of Powell UMC take up a special offering, which will purchase filters for the upcoming mission trip in the summer time. Last year, they purchased 216 filters! Since we began partnering with Powell UMC, they have purchased over 700 filters. While in Guatemala, they work with their good friend and our operations manager for TivaWater Guatemala, Diego. He is an incredible man of God, dedicated to making sure filters are delivered to those who need it most. Team members of Powell Church love delivering the filters because not only are they providing people with life giving water, they are able to instantly connect with the people in these communities as they visit their homes and set up the filters. If your church or organization is interested in providing clean water on your mission trips (either in Guatemala or Uganda), please contact [email protected] Providing water filters to families is often a life changing experience for everyone involved. They bring people together, create the opportunity for individuals to connect on a personal level and provide vital resources necessary to lead a healthy and productive life. TivaWater comes alongside churches and organizations that are already doing incredible work and offer our revolutionary filter as a resource. We have the best filter in the world for developing countries and we believe that by using our filter your organization will amplify your impact on communities you serve. One of our partners, Father's House Church, has provided almost 200 filters to families in Uganda. After using Sawyer filters for a while, they decided to make the switch because of TivaWater’s all-in-one concept and ability to purchase them on location. Sam, with Father's House Church, shares that “[delivering filters] has been wonderful! To see and feel you are making such a tangible difference has been wonderful.” Their church funds their filters through donations from friends and partners and have seen these filters have a direct and immediate impact on the families that receive them. ...we had the local Imam (head over one of the largest mosques in the country) sitting next to the Catholic Priest and a Charismatic Pastor...and to see how these filters brought these men together for a moment was very impactful. Sam shared a story that really impacted him: “On our first trip in 2012, we chose to deliver filters to places where they would get the most use, thus we delivered filters to government officials, churches, prisons, schools, etc. At our delivery ceremony, in an area predominantly Muslim (90%), where conflict between Muslims and Christians has been flaring for years, we had the local Imam (head over one of the largest mosques in the country) sitting next to the Catholic Priest and a Charismatic Pastor. I don’t know any other setting where these three would be present, cordial and friendly to each other, and to see how these filters brought these men together for a moment was very impactful. Delivering water filters where the needs are the biggest, regardless of faith, has opened many doors for us to have conversations with both individuals and people of influence, opening the door the long-term impact for Christ.” If you would like to learn how your church or organization can partner with us, please contact [email protected]. It’s 2017.
And we are kicking off this new year by asking our supporters to take the 12 months of giving challenge! It isn’t as daunting as it might sound… Give $9 a month, for one year. That totals up to $108- which is enough to provide a family with a TivaWater filter! Think about what you spend $9 every month... -That’s one lunch meal out. -Three coffees. -[less] than one movie ticket If you can’t take the challenge, we ask you to spread the word to your family and friends about what TivaWater is up to! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and then share our material. Ready to take the #12MonthsOfGiving challenge? Click here or text “Give12” to 41-444 Every year, most of us make wish lists of things we don't really need. And typically we struggle finding something for our friends or family because they already have it all. How about trying something different this year? Donate a TivaWater filter to a family in need in honor of your loved one. Many people love knowing that their Christmas gift is benefitting someone who really needs help.
For $100, you will provide a TivaWater filter to a vulnerable family in Uganda or Guatemala. This filter will give them safe drinking water for at least 5 years, which promotes health and financial stability. Each $100 donation includes: -photo of family (or head of family) -family bio -Google Map location of filter -Thank You Card notifying gift recipient clean water was donated in their honor Every day, many children are severely ill or die from water related disease. How tragic and unnecessary are these deaths of precious kids. You can combat that with a donation. If you can’t make a $100 contribution, but still want to donate in someone’s honor, please do! We will send them a card notifying them you are providing clean water in their name. This is also a wonderful way to honor a loved one who has passed. Make your gift contributions by December 15 at 11:59 pm in order to receive the gift notification by December 25th. Please direct any questions to Olivia at [email protected] 1. TivaWaterOk- so maybe we are a little bias on this one. But hey, can you blame us? Besides, this is the perfect gift for the person who has it all or would rather use their Christmas to help others in need. $100 gives a filter to a family in need and provides them with clean water for at least 5 years! Donate a filter in someone's honor and we will send them (or you to give to them yourself) a donation card, photo and bio of the family and GPS location of the filter on Google Maps. Ready to send a filter? Click here! 2. SudaraThese gorgeous pajama pants, AKA Punjammies, are handcrafted by women in India. Sudara helps women out of the sex-trade by providing them with a career. In addition to the business, they have a non-profit side that helps care for the entire family. You can buy some super cute pajama pants and learn more about their work at www.sudara.org. 3. FASHIONABLEThis company partners with other companies in Africa and holds them to fair business practices and employment. Their beautiful leather bags and accessories are made in Ethiopia. They recently added a “local” component by employing 5 women in Nashville, TN who have overcome various challenges in their lives. Learn more and make your purchase here. 4. Homeboy FoodsDo you send cookies, cake, pies and other tasty treats to clients and friends during the holidays? Then check out Homeboy Foods. This LA based company works with former gang members and incarcerated men and women by providing employment, education, case management, legal services, tattoo removal, mental health, substance abuse and domestic violence support. If you’re looking to buy some delicious baked goods then consider ordering from Homeboy Foods. 5. Bloom and GiveBuy one of Bloom and Give's stunning handmade scarves or handbags and 50% of your purchase will go to Educate Girls, a revolutionary program in India whose volunteers champion girls education from the ground level. They do this by working with families to enroll their daughters in school, promoting gender equality, working with the government to use underutilized resources, offering parent workshops, teacher training, community mobilization through village meetings. Make your purchase at www.bloomandgive.com and learn more about Educate Girls at www.educategirls.in 6. Krochet Kids InternationalKrochet Kids International works with women in Peru and Uganda to provide jobs, training and mentorship to empower them to lift themselves and their families out of poverty. KKi produces high quality, fashionable women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, headwear, bags and accessories. All their products are made by the women they partner with in Peru and Uganda. www.krochetkids.org. 7. The Root CollectiveSomeone makes everything you wear. Many times in the fashion industry, employees are subject to dangerous working conditions with unfair pay. The Root Collective is different- they are committed to treating their artisans with respect and dignity. These unique, high-quality shoes are handcrafted in Guatemala. Go to their website and you'll meet Otto and Anna, the team leaders who made these shoes. Otto’s goal is to employ former gang members in Guatemala who have trouble finding work elsewhere. Anna went to school but was unable to find work, so she and the other women in her village have kept the traditional art of backstrap weaving alive to produce these stunning detailed shoe designs. www.therootcollective.com 8. MitscootsMade in the USA, Mitscoots manufactures high quality socks, scarves, t-shirts, beanies and gloves. For every purchase, Mitscoots sends the same piece to someone suffering from homelessness on your behalf. The founders discovered that after food and water, the greatest physical need requested by those experiencing homelessness were things to keep warm. Mitscoots also provides work opportunities by employing the transitioning homeless to package all their products. www.mitscoots.com 9. Akola ProjectFashionable, handcrafted jewelry. These stunning pieces, some currently featured in Neiman Marcus, provide jobs, training and opportunity to women in Uganda and Texas. Akola trains women in Uganda to hand-roll paper beads and hand-carve Ankole cow horn. Women in both Uganda and Texas are paid a living wage to hand-assemble the jewelry. Akola’s distribution center runs as a second chance job program for women in Dallas who have criminal records, giving them a chance to enter the mainstream workforce.
www.akolaproject.org This past summer, Alan and Diane Ramsey, along with two of their daughters, Madison and Abby, delivered TivaWater filters to families in Uganda.
Anyone who has ever delivered filters to families can attest to how wonderful the experience is, but something made one of their deliveries extra special… Bringing clean water to the family of their adopted daughter, Favor. After a bumpy ride to a remote village in Jinja, they were reunited with Favor’s family after four years (Favor officially became a part of the Ramsey family in 2012). During their visit, Alan, Diane, Madison and Abby were able to bring photos of Favor, pray together, play with the kids and give Favor’s family a TivaWater filter. It was such a special day and we were blessed to travel alongside the Ramsey family. Their love for others and joy for life is contagious! We are excited to partner with Akola Project by helping them raise funds to purchase 5 water filters which will provide clean water for the women in their empowerment program in Uganda. You may have heard of Akola Project because they are making waves in the news. In fact, their beautiful, high-end jewelry is being sold at Neiman Marcus. These gorgeous pieces are more than accessories- they tell a story and are creating lasting change for many women across the world. Akola Project is not your typical social enterprise. Their model for empowerment has been uniquely designed over the last decade to have the highest impact in the lives of women who experience poverty and disenfranchisement on an extreme level. Their team travels to serve remote rural villages, and begins by building the infrastructure for economic opportunity through community development projects, such as the construction of vocational centers, in partnership with the community. Akola helps women set goals and plan for the future, understand their value and worth, and better provide for their families. They do this through their various programs that include: Akola Academy, Economic Empowerment and Ministry and Wellness. Their holistic is approach is changing lives. Take a look at their Impact Map below: TivaWater is helping Akola raise funds to provide 5 water filters for women in Uganda who are a part of Akola’s empowerment programs.
We need your help raising $500 to provide these hardworking women with clean water to drink- keeping them healthy and able to work. Are you ready to provide clean water for these hardworking women in Uganda? If so- please consider making a gift of any amount by clicking here. If you want to learn more about Akola Project, visit www.akolaproject.org An inspiring post by one of our TivaWater 1.0 trip participants, Ashleigh:
Another moving experience on the trip for me was visiting the escaped child soldiers of the Lord’s Resistance Army and seeing the burial site from those killed in their village. I met “house fathers” who were fourteen and taking care of seven other kids. Seeing their resilience and ability to forgive their captors was phenomenal. They ministered more to me than I ever could to them. There are several more stories I could share as to how I saw God work on this short trip, but I know He is using TivaWater to accomplish great things. About Ashleigh
Ashleigh is currently a junior nursing major at Belmont University in Nashville, TN. Upon her college graduation in 2018, she dreams of doing the World Race. The journey is an 11-month trek to 11 countries to present the gospel to the most unreached and poorest of the poor in the 10/40 window. She was raised in Knoxville, TN—Go Vols! She is an aspiring international missionary nurse with a passion specifically for children. She loves travel, being outdoors, reading, singing and truly getting to know people deeply. A few weeks ago, an international non-profit asked TivaWater to provide water filters for refugees who have fled ISIS. In response, we agreed to immediately send enough filters to supply the camp with enough clean drinking water for at least 1,000 people.
But just last week, we were informed that they are expecting another 500,000 refugees to arrive in camps over the next few months and we wanted to send an entire container (1,000+ filters) on top of our initial commitment. So, we sent out a special request asking for support and we are very close to reaching our $50,000 goal! If you want to help us get there, you can make a donation here. Now we are able to produce and ship an entire container to these refugees- providing 10,000 people with clean water! But first, we are getting these 100 filters to them ASAP. You’ll see the office is full of filters ready to be put on the shipping container! TivaWater is honored to help provide a much needed resource to the refugee community. Let us continue to show our love to those who are persecuted and oppressed not only in prayer, but by our actions! |